Imma make a story now. About a boy named Cherry. And a girl named Willow.And a friend named Rodney Neocities.
Willow was walking down the road and Cherry was running and smashed into Willow. Willow fell and Cherry looked at her and went back to running to his friends house Rodney.Willow got up with a scratched elbow and knee. Her elbow and knee where bleeding.She started walking again and had to limp. Cherry turned around and seen Willow and felt bad. He walked over to her and looked at her. She looked up and seen him. She got mad and she gave him a anrgy face. "Sorry about earlier, I was in a hurry so i didn't want to stop, but i should of stopped to help you". He said looking down at his shoes. "It's okay.." She said while her faced turn a bit pink. " to school with me?" He asked while lifting his had.
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